Holding Powerful Space for Transformation

The evolution of psychotherapy begins with holding deeply embodied compassionate presence

The evolution of psychotherapy requires our evolution as humans. We can move beyond addressing cognitions and behaviors, and become catalysts for deep inner transformation. We do this by holding deeply embodied, compassionate presence. Cultivating the capacity for this presence is our spiritual path. For our clients, it opens a portal into a space where they can access their resourcefulness and innate wisdom. A space where they discover their wholeness.

This group is for those who practice psychotherapy and similar professions working individually with clients. Each session will include opportunities for

  • Practicing deeply embodied presence with each other

  • Cultivating compassion for clients, even those who are most challenging

  • Transforming ingrained habits of seeing clients through the lens of psychopathology and problems to fix

  • Discussing our client cases

  • Developing collegial relationships with other therapists of like mind

  • Deepening on our own path toward realization

Therapists in this group will have an ongoing, well-developed personal awareness and embodiment practice.  I will meet with all participants prior to joining.

The series includes nine 90-minute meetings. Time of day by group consensus, taking into consideration time zones of members. Group size limited to 9.

Please send me a message if you are interested in participating. Tell me something about your own daily awareness practice and your work with clients. We will arrange a 20-minute videoconference meeting.

 Please send a message if you are interested in joining a therapists’ group