
To support you in developing a regular meditation practice, Telesangha was created to provide the structure of guided meditation by phone with a live teacher and a small group of meditators who meet each day, Monday through Friday. Many people have found this an enriching way to sense the support of community around their practice. My Telesangha group meets at 9am MT, Monday through Friday, and has been ongoing for more than four years.

If you are interested in joining my group as a new member, please email me here.

If we have communicated and you are ready to subscribe, please do so using the Subscribe button below. Please carefully consider your subscription level and select it on the dropdown menu below. Subscribing requires that you have a PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account and do not wish to create one, I can set up a monthly invoice for you; however, you will have to initiate payment each month. If you have another payment method you would like to use, please write to me about that. I would like the administrative tasks as simple as possible.

Subscription Options

Telesangha groups also meet at other times, and you can contact these teachers directly if you are interested in joining their groups:

Monday - Friday Mornings

  • 7:30 am Eastern Time: Stan Eisenstein (;

  • 9:00 am Eastern Time: Bill Brooks (